As Alice Waters said in one of her cookbook, “fish is one of the last wild foods we see on the dinner table.” Our respect for such a statement is difficult to put into words. Suffice it to say, industrialized farming is finally reaching the sea and we are committed to doing what we can to slow it down if not stop it. Our eye is always on the Monterrey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch, making sure our purchases don’t contribute to the already endangered supplies of fish; and additionally so that the choices we make contribute to the recovery of the ocean’s bounty. Recently experts are saying that if every American were to increase their seafood consumption as recommended in America’s dietary guidelines, there would not actually be enough to support such a shift. So we need to reconsider the the whole approach to America’s seafood supply as well as all industrially produce foods. We need to understand what is behind the “farm to fork” movement, and what it means long term.

We predict that the fish demand will be great enough to start supporting farm raised fish and aquaponics. Right now we are very cautiously watching this area and we are hopeful that they will find a solution that not only feeds our taste for seafood, it also does so without negatively impacting the environment. Farm raised fish has had an awkward and unsuccessful start. Consider the failure of farm raised Atlantic salmon. There is no more wild Atlantic salmon due to a predicable and preventable “accident.” We must learn from our mistakes, make good choices going forward when considering what species to “farm raise.” The goal is to stop before its too late, and at the same time follow truly sustainable practices when harvesting wild seafood or those that are farmed.

As if the taste and variety of seafood alone aren’t enough incentive to enjoy recipes in this chapter, fish is especially very high on the nutrition health pyramid for Mediterranean cuisine. Cold water fish on the menu two or three times a week is not only delicious but also contributes Omega-3 fish oils that not only reduce heart disease but also help boost the immune system.