
2 pounds filet of beef (ask for tenderloin trim) (Plan 1/2 pound per serving for 4, 1/3 pound per serving for 6, 1/4 pound per serving for 8)
Seasonings of salt pepper and corriander
3-4 cups beef stock
1 onion, minced
1 Tablespoon mashed or pasted garlic
½ teaspoon thyme, dried
1 Tablespoons beurre manie (flour & butter paste)
8 ounce crimini mushrooms, sauted, see recipe
2 Tablespoons oil from clarified butter or EVOO or for larger batches grapeseed oil

1 recipe of sauteed mushrooms, set aside until needed.

Have 1 Tablespoon per serving of sour cream or creme fraiche, set aside, for service


This is Bob’s quick version of Beef stroganoff that works best with attention to “mise en place.”  Before you even start, have everything in place. Set yourself up with a preheated cooky sheet to place cooked meat while you continue to make the sauce. Cover with foil or second heated pan.

Remove all fat from beef, and cut into about 2×2 pieces (thinner pieces make it hard to keep it rare); pat dry the meat and set aside. Preheat sided cookie sheet to place meat on when done. Have all your ingredients ready.

In preheated saute pan over medium high heat, add grapeseed oil or clarified butter with a little EVOO; when oil begins to shimmer, add meat to pan without crowding to get a quick sear on outside, turning as needed, but leaving it pink on the inside. Remove meat from pan when all surfaces of the meat is brown to the waiting preheated pan. Place onto cooksheet and hold warm until you finish the sauce.

In original pan, add onion garlic, and saute until onion is translucent; add beef stock and bring up to simmer, working in the “fond” from the steak on the bottom of the pan, and reduce slightly. Add thyme and buerre manie. Bring to simmer for two minutes. Add the reserved mushrooms and bring to temperature but do not cook further.

Serve over hot homemade egg noodles, Add meat and sour cream and serve immediately.



  • Beurre Manie

  • 2 Tablespoons soft butter
  • 2 Tablespoons flour
  • Rub together and make into paste. Add as directed.


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