
Toasted meringue on Banana Vanilla Wafer Pudding Cup

There are many versions of this pudding made famous in the south. Bob’s includes the most important ingredients: bourbon, bananas and pudding and homemade vanilla wafers, topped off by toasted marshmellow meringue. Use our vanilla pudding recipe or your favorite. Make your own wafers or buy the classic Nilla Wafers. Use fruit bowls or, our favorite, 4-6 ounce Ball canning jars.


  • 1 recipe of vanilla pudding

  • 1 recipe of vanilla wafers
  • 1 recipe of Swiss meringue
  • 3-4 bananas, green to yellow ripe
  • juice of 1/2 lemon plus 1 tablespoon water
  • 2-4 tablespoons burbon
  • Suggested go withs: strawberries, raspberries, ganache


Make vanilla wafers and keep in air tight container to maintain crisp.
Make vanilla pudding. Set aside to cool slightly but we like the pudding best when we make the individual ones while vanill
Make Swiss meringue and put into a large piping bag fitted with open star tube.
To assemble individual servings for service:
-Cut bananas into 1/4 inch slices and coat with lemon juice and water so they won’t turn brown.
-Place broken very crispy wafers onto sheet pan. Sprinkle with burbon.
-Place a spoonful of pudding into your serving dish, top with burbon spiked wafers, a layer of banana and repeat at least twice ending with pudding, depending on size of your container. Keep refrigerated until 4 hours or over night. It is best to let the flavors meld while the cookies soften before serving. Note: we also use a 4 oz mason jar for individual puddings and two whole wafers work very well for each cup–rather than broken cookies that are harder to measure.
At service  pipe or spoon a layer of the meringue on top of each container. Using torch, toast meringues. You may also place cups under broiler for a few minutes (2-5) until marshmallow browns.
-Serve immediately.


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