BERRY-BERRY SOUP for dessert!


This was well received when served it in the middle of summer when berries are abundant. Inspired by our large NW Scandinavian population, we decided to use the many fresh local berries with a soup for dessert.

1 cup cherry jam (from OREGON GROWN label)
3 cups sparkling wine
Pinch of sea salt
1/2 cup natural sugar
3 cups raspberries and blueberries and blackberries

Combine all ingredients except fruit into medium sauce pan; bring to simmer and cook just to dissolve sugar. Add fruit, and stir while heating back to simmer. Cover and remove from heat to allow fruit to steep in the hot syrup for about 30 minutes. Remove lid; puree fruit with stick blender or put through food mill. Strain and reserve in refrigerator until well chilled for service.



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