BRAISED BEEF SHORT RIB RAVIOLI with herbed butter demi


As seen in our SMALL PLATES WITH WINE for SAVOR CANNON BEACH, this is a “make-over” recipe, using left over short rib meat, which has been de-fatted.

First, prepare BRAISED SHORT RIBS and save the trim. Then make a batch of ravioli pasta dough. Then make the filling recipe below and form the raviolis.

Have fun–it is worth the effort.


  • 2 pounds beef short ribs trim, de-fatted, and chopped finely

  • 1 pound ricotta cheese
  • 1/2 cup parmesan, finely grated
  • 3 tablespoons parsley, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons basil, chopped
  • 1 teaspoons sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 3 tablespoons EVOO
  • 1/2 teaspoon  pepper
  • 1 teaspoon oregano


Blend well. Set aside and keep cold until pasta dough is ready to make the ravioli.

Forming ravioli: have your filling ready. This amount of dough (all six dough balls) makes about 40 small ravioli and 24 large ravioli. Or, use what you want, and freeze the other dough balls up to 3 months. Again for ravioli you want the thinnest dough since you are putting two halves together. So, when dough is as thin as it gets through the machine, you will be able to see your hand through it and it will be very long, up to 3-4 feet, of dough.

Place this piece flat and cut length in half, so now you have two pieces about two feet long. Brush only one half (bottom half) with water; then place 1 teaspoon filling leaving 1” between each ravioli for small ones or 1 tablespoon of filling every 2″ for larger ravioli. Hint-to make them evenly spaced, use a round cutter about the width of the ravioli you are making and make a slight indentation in the dough without cutting, so you where to place the filling.

Place the other half of pasta dough over the filled side and carefully work the dough around the filling being careful to press out the air pockets. Using a round biscuit cutter or ravioli cutter, cut individual raviolis. Place on a semolina floured tray for service.

To cook ravioli: For every 1 gallon water add 2-3 tablespoons salt and bring to boil. We usually start with 2-3 gallons per batch. Add ravioli and wait till it comes back to boil and time 2-3 minutes; remove one and pinch noodle to test doneness. It should be soft but firm. Remove to holding dish; carefully blot off water before placing onto plate. Sauce as desired.


  • 2 cups beef demi glace

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped


Warm the demi to simmer; remove from heat. Add butter and swirl in until it is absorbed. Add parsley and serve immediately over cooked ravioli.


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