
We tried this first as Ina Garten’s 4 hour lamb. It is so good we only made a few changes. And we like to get two meals out of most of our braised meat dishes. First night is the braised lamb after cooking 4 hours. Serve this traditionally with potatoes and carrots or other root veggies. Then  the second night we followed the method for  pan-frying our Basque Pork recipe.  Serve it with condiments as you might see on a gyro. We use hummus, eggplant pepper spread, honey yogurt, and Bob’s Pane al Pizza, or sub a fresh pita bread.

Our braised lamb twice cooked, (it’s really there), condiments of humus, tomotilla salsa, pepper-eggplant spread, Greek yogurt, spicy greens, roasted spring onion as served in our March Dinner Show 2012.


  • 1 5-7 pound leg of lamb, boneless and tied (the butcher's can do this for you)

  • EVOO
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt
  • 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 bottle dry white wine
  • 1 cup water
  • 4 heads of garlic in cloves
  • 15 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 15 large sprigs fresh thyme
  • 6 bay leaves


Oil the outside of the leg. Season all over with salt and pepper. Heat a very large Dutch oven; add lamb leg and sear on all sides for about 12 minutes, until browned all over. Remove to plate.  Add wine and water and deglaze pan. Add garlic and herbs and the lamb. Place the lid on the pot and place into 300º F. oven for  up to 4 hours. We turn the roast over every hour and sometimes it gets done sooner. You want the roast to hold it’s shape but break easily under the fork. If there was a bone it would fall off the bone. For first meal, remove roast to plate; strain sauce and bring back to boil to reduce slightly if it needs thickening. Serve with roast.

Second Meal:  Reserve at least half of the roast for next meal. Cool uncovered until it drops to 40ºF before covering. Slice cold lamb into 1 inch slices. Follow directions  for Basque Pork, using these lamb steaks instead of the pork.


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