
This one was served for the first time in our Market Dinner class July 12 2011. Garlic for Bob is often treated as a vegetable because he uses so much of it as in this recipe.


  • 1 bunch broccoli

  • 1 head garlic
  • 1/4-1/2 cup EVOO
  • 1/3-1/2 cup dry aged parmesan reggiano, fine
  • Season to taste with salt and coriander


Prepare broccoli by removing florets from stems. Boil a pot of water and drop in the stems  for about 3-4 minutes to blanch. Remove and shock in a bowl of ice water until easy to handle. Carefully peel off their tough outer layer. Slice into smaller pieces on a bias. Set aside.
Continue blanching the broccoli florets 1-2 minutes and shock in bowl of ice water. remove and set aside.
Prepare whole head of garlic. Split each clove, peel and remove sprout; slice into 4 or 5 pieces per clove. Set aside.
At service, place wide bottom pan on high heat. Add EVOO and immediately add garlic; keep moving it to prevent browning. Add broccoli stems and cook to tenderize; add florets and cook to reheat. Pour onto heated platter and coat with good aged parmesan reggiano cheese. Serve immediately.


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