CHILI RELLENO (a la Florencio)


Recently, we used Forencio’s chili relleno to sub for hot smoked salmon on our July 2012 Dinner Show. It went very nicely with everything else on the plate.


  • 6 poblano, Anaheim, or other chilies

    6 ounce Queso Fresco or other salty cheese like Cotija, sharp cheddar, and farmer’s cheese

    1 medium onion, sliced and slowly caramelized over medium heat

    3 eggs, separated

    ½ cup flour

    vegetable oil as needed for frying

    Add to taste, sea salt, ground pepper, and fresh ground coriander

    Tomato sauce:

  • 1 ½ cups roasted tomatoes

    1 onion, diced

    2 clove garlic, sliced



Roast the chilies over open flame or inside 400°F oven. When charred, remove and place peppers into plain paper bag to sweat. When cool enough to handle, remove the skin and carefully cut a slit in the side of each chili and remove seeds and white membranes. Fill each pepper with one once cheese and caramelized onion.  Set aside.

Beat egg yolks with one tablespoon water, In separate container beat the egg whites and 1 teaspoon salt until stiff. Fold whites into the egg yolks gently until blended.

For frying: Thoroughly dry off each pepper. Dip into flour, coating well. Dip into egg mixture. Place in preheated skillet over medium heat with about 1 inch vegetable oil. When brown on first side, turn until brown all the way around. Blot on paper towel then serve your favorite sauce.

Blackberry ketchup: see recipe

Tomato Sauce: Place garlic and onion in small sauce pan until lightly browned and translucent. Add roasted tomatoes and combine. Blend in blender and place back into sauce pan to heat. Season with Salt pepper and coriander. Hold warm until service.


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