
As a young chef, I made homemade butter a few times when whipping cream. This time it is with intention!


  • 1-2 cups heavy (35-40%) cream (this is all that is needed to make sweet butter)

  • Flavorings 1-2 tablespoons chives, 1/4-1/2 teaspoon sea salt, 1/2 chopped seeded jalapeno, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, or combinations.


Place cream in mixer bowl with paddle. Cover bowl and top of mixer with plastic film so you can see the contents while mixing. This will prevent splattering all over the kitchen. Beat on medium for a few minutes until starts to thicken. Whip on high until goes into whipped cream then beyond when it breaks into butter and whey. (this is when it spatters). When completely broken. Stop the mixer and  seive contents over a bowl to separate whey. Press butter to extract water. When dry as you can get it, put into separate bowl. You now may add any flavorings. Taste! Press into butter mold or small souffle dish. At service unmold onto plate.  Enjoy on bread or melted on fresh corn on the cob or other vegetables!

* Sweet butter is without salt. When chefs come out of French classical training, they sometimes lock into always using unsalted butter for every purpose. It is an old habit started way before good refrigeration. The dairies might deliver salted butter to help mask any off-flavors or the beginning of rancidity. The custom then of requesting sweet butter started so th chef may know if the flavors are fresh.
Today we don’t work about receiving rancid butter from our dairies. It would be most rare. Of course, we chefs are controling, want to add our own salt. We at EVOO believe salted butter if more available is just fine for most cooking. We don’t use it in some bakery items like danish and crepes; only sweet will do there.



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