CORIANDER SEA SALT (SEL GRIS), one of our signature spice blends


If you’ve attended one of our Dinner Shows and watched us cook your meal, or if you’ve visited our store and sampled Willamette Valley’s Coriander Havarti Cheese (especially made for EVOO) or Bob’s Oatmeal Ginger Coriander Cookies, you know coriander is in nearly everything, whether sweet or savory. It is inspired by the Chinese chefs Bob worked with early in his career who introduced him to this warm nutty citrus flavored spice that greatly enhances the flavors of ingredients it is with. In time, Bob realized that by adding coriander to his dishes, he could dramatically reduce the amount of salt used. So naturally our first signature spice blend had to be Coriander Sel Gris (gray sea salt). It is blended in a 4:1 ratio, coriander to salt, giving food an unexpected boost without the need for more salt. Taste as you use it straight from the package and add a little more salt if you feel it is needed. Our habit is to season with coriander sea salt as we go, and end up not needing to finish with more salt.



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