
Use this recipe when making savory dishes such as salmon blintzes.


  • 3 eggs

  • ¼ cup water
  • 1  cup milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • ¾ tsp. salt
  • ¼ cup unsalted butter, melted
  • Optional: add 2 tablespoons brandy; 1 ½ tablespoons chives, cut


Add ingredients to electric blender and blend until well combined. If mixture is too thick, thin it with a small amount of water. If using fold in flavoring and / or chives.  Chill for 1 hour or overnight to let the batter rest and fully hydrate. Keep well chilled until needed.

To make, place 8″ non-stick pan on medium heat. Add oil/butter to brown slightly. When hot enough, tilt pan away from you so 12 o’clock is down and add 1 ounce of batter. Quickly move pan to 6 o’clock and then twirl to cover bottom of the pan. Leave on heat until edges brown. Lift with rubber spatula and turn over. Leave second side just long enough to dry but not brown. Remove to plate. Stack crepes on top of one another as you work. Use immediately or freeze in stakes of 12 with parchment or waxed paper in between. Finish wrapping with foil. Label with date. Keep 2-3 months.



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