
Eggplant timbale with baked Moussaka


2 medium shallots, minced

2 cloves garlic, sprout-out, minced

½ cup lentils, cooked in 1 ½ cups seasoned water – season with 1 teaspoon Bob’s Flavors of the Middle East, see recipe or purchase 2 tablespoons fresh Italian parsley, chopped


Potatoes: 2 medium Yukon gold potatoes, quartered or small diced and cooked until tender, in salted boiling water, about 10-12 minutes. Drain water and smash with small amount of EVOO. You may also leave them as diced potatoes. Grate Grilling Eggplant: for 4 timbales

16 slices Japanese Eggplant (sliced lengthwise, skin on, on a mandolin) (2-3 eggplants) Season slices with sea salt, ground coriander and pepper. .Place on preheated that has been coated with olive oil, Brush the other side with EVOO as well. Turn slices and mark the other side, but do not overcook. .Reserve flat on cookie sheet until ready to assemble.

Assembly: for each ring:

Lightly oil the inside of ring, or individual oven-proof baking dish if not using rings 3-4 slices of grilled eggplant, for each ring ¼ cup lentils ¼ cup smashed potatoes, Note: If using diced potatoes, mix them with lentils and place ½ cup into eggplant ring 1-2 tablespoons grated smoked gouda cheese per egg ring

1-wrap 2-4 eggplant slices around inside of rings, overlapping each as you go Add lentils, potatoes, and cheese, layering ending with potatoes and cheese on top. Cover with foil. Bake at 400 degree F. for 15-18 minutes or until center registers 165F.

Remove each ring to serving plate. Gently loosen around edge and slip off the ring.

Garnish with chopped parsley. Serve with roasted cauliflower and Greek olive fennel salad.

2 cucumbers, peeled, seeded, diced/sliced (choice)
1 bulb fennel, cleaned, julienne sliced
1 small onion, cut in half and sliced, thinly
2 cloves garlic (sprout removed), pasted (smashed)
2-3 Tablespoons red wine vinegar
3 Tablespoons chopped parsley, fresh
Salt, pepper, coriander to taste
3 Tablespoons EVOO
Garnish with sliced green olives (martini worthy), sheep milk feta, pistachios
Place onion, fennel and cucumber in a large bowl. Smear the garlic paste around the inside of the bowl, then toss the ingredients in the bowl to blend and mix evenly with the garlic paste. Add vinegar, Salt, pepper Coriander and fresh parsley. Blend. Add EVOO and toss. Plate then garnish each serving with the olives, feta and pistachios.

Serve immediately. (Don’t be surprised if leftovers taste good the next day too!)


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