
Vegetables, fruits and salads make up the next food group on the Mediterranean food pyramid and they are always on the menu in our house! They are magically produced in Chef Bob’s hands! You might notice after one of our dinner shows that you ate quite a lot of food, (three entrée courses and a great dessert) but for some reason you don’t feel over-stuffed! We think it is precisely because each plate contains something from this group. Whenever possible we serve veggies that are cooked, some raw, and some in-between! Not only does this keep your taste buds dazzled, but adding ingredients from this group, especially some raw, helps digestion and keeps you from feeling over full. Now mind you, we don’t ever expect anyone to recreate all the Dinner Show recipes at once in one meal ever again, but instead, to take the recipes from the experience and create many different menus to serve on different days!


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