
Follow the simple risotto recipe or your favorite well seasoned risotto recipe. It needs to be cooled. Once cooled scoop into balls and continue as directed here. One recipe should yield 15-20 balls about 1 1/2 ounce. (no. 40 scoop or large tablespoon over filled)


  • 1 recipe of risotto, cooled

  • 1-2 cups Oregon bay shrimp, drained (*)
  • 2 eggs, whisked with 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup panko (produce found in Japanese market or in asian isle of a supermarket) or plain dried bread crumbs may also be used
  • enough vegetable oil to float "balls" for frying


Scoop cooled risotto into 1 – 2 ounce balls. Press into each ball a nice heaping teaspoon of shrimp or other filling and work the risotto around to enclose it and maintain the round shape.
Hold while oil for frying is getting ready.
Breading procedure: Dip each ball into flour to coat; shake off excess. Dip into egg wash and coat evenly; drain. dip into panko to coat. hold parchment lined sheet pan until all are done. Refrigerate for about 20 minutes before frying.

For frying: Heat about 2 inches of vegetable oil in medium wide pot. Heat oil to 350ºF. Fry in small batches 3-4 minutes each so the heat remains high. Remove each batch to paper towel or cooling rack to drain. Season with salt and serve immediately with condiments of choice.

(*)Chef note: you can use other fillings such as mozzarella, bacon, bleu cheese, pork, chicken, etc.(


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