
As seen in our June 2017 Dinner show we used snap peas, bias cut, lightly dressed to go with our rockfish and shrimp combo over multigrain fried rice.

For four half cup portions wash a pound of snap peas or 2-3 cups. Pull the strings from the peas with a paring knife to catch one end then pull downward. Do this both ends.

Prepare to blanch and shock the peas. Bring one quart water plus 1 tablespoon salt to boil. Have ice bath in separate container ready to shock the peas once the are blanched. Then drop the pea pods into boiling water for no more than 30 seconds, or until color sets bright green. Scoop out with strainer and drop into ice water to stop the cooking. When cool, drain and pat dry. Place them 2-3 at a time onto cutting board and with a sharp bias angle cut 1/8 inch slices through each until all are cut. Place into bowl. Blend with 1-2 tablespoon fine tasting EVOO. Add pinch of  salt, a few grinds of black pepper and 5-6 grinds of coriander seed. Taste and adjust where need. Serves 2 cup size portions or 4 one half cup portions.


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