

  • 5 pound roma tomatoes, fresh, washed, and cut in half lengthwise

  • 1-3 tablespoons EVOO
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


Combine all ingredients and toss to coat tomatoes evenly. Place tomato halves cut side down onto sided baking sheet.Roast in 400ºF oven for about 20-25, or until skins are blistering and tomatoes are brown slightly.
Remove from oven and transfer tomatoes and juice and any fond* stuck to pan to a food mill over a large sauce pot. Turn to extract all the tomato meat and juice. Discard skins. Simmer sauce to develop flavor about 15-20 minutes. Remove and use or cool.

* Fond is the brown particles of tomato tomato juice that may stick to pan and can be removed with a little water on hot pan. Add to tomatoes as this is good flavor.


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