
This is our favorite crepe batter for any filling, whether sweet or savory. We often make a simple crepe filled dinner of fresh spinach prepared like a wilted salad with shallot and garlic olive oil with grated Swiss or Cotija chees, rolled then warmed in a 400°F oven for 4 minutes. We serve it along side fresh wild king salmon and garnish with quince jelly sauce, as we did for the 11-10-18 Lunch Show.


  • ½ cup whole wheat flour pastry flour

  • ½ cup organic all purpose flour
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 3 large eggs
  • ½ cup milk
  • 2 teaspoon EVOO
  • ½ cup seltzer water or club soda


Combine ingredients in a blender until smooth. Transfer to bowl, cover and refrigerate 30 minutes or overnight. At service, slowly whisk seltzer water or club soda into batter to thin out.
Heat small nonstick skillet and lightly oil surface with oil or butter. Ladle 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) batter into skillet—tilting first to 12 o’clock, then 6 o’clock and swirl around rotating pan to spread the batter evenly over bottom and up sides if needed. Cook until lightly browned—30 seconds or until the edges brown. Using small spatula, lift the edge and flip the crepe over. Cook second side about 10 more seconds until it moves on its own and is dry; do not wait for it to brown. Slide onto plate. Continue until batter is gone. Stack on top of each other if using immediately. Otherwise, place square of waxed paper or parchment between each when planning to freeze.


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