
FullSizeRender (1)As seen in our October ’16 show, this risotto demonstrates that risotto can be any flavor. The pumpkin stock Chef Bob used contains spices from Flavors for Frying, one of our spice blends. The final risotto is creamy without our embellishments, but the of triple cream cheese, cream and Pecorino, made it even better.

A beet and apple slaw on top adds a fresh dimension and the fresh pumpkin butter pepita on garlic rubbed bruschetta gives yet another idea for using this autumn squash.

In addition we placed some fresh foraged chanterelle mushrooms and roasted squash for a side dish to the risotto.



  • 2-3 tablespoons EVOO, butter or combination
  • 1/2 cup onion or shallots, diced small
  • 2 - 3 cloves garlic minced
  • Salt, pepper, coriander to taste
  • 1/2-1 cup grapes or raisins, optional
  • 1 cup short grain rice such as Arborio
  • 1 cup wine, white if color of finished dish is important to you
  • 5 - 6 cups hot stock, such as pumpkin stock that we use here (see recipe)
  • Embellishments: piquant triple cream cheese, butter, or just cream (or combination)


ADDITION OF STOCKPlace oil or butter into pot large enough to expand at least five times. When onion is translucent but still a little firm, add the rice, to the fat in the bottom of the pan. Stir for at least 5 minutes, before adding the wine. Then add the wine and stir until “au sec” or wine is almost evaporated. [Note-both the fat sauté and wine step are key to keeping the rice from breaking down too much.]

Next, stir in 1 cup of stock until it is absorbed before adding a second cup of stock. Continue until stock is absorbed and the rice still has a white core. see picture right (Check for white core by placing a few kernels of rice on the counter top; with your thumb press down on them as you move your thumb over them to spread them to reveal their center) You will see small speck(s) of white.

Serve as is (creamy enough?) or add embellishments (piquant triple cream cheese, just butter, or just cream (or combination)as desired).



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